Broadcasting and media content
Converged services, devices and networks have opened multiple opportunities for the development of society, fostering improvements in education, health and business facilities. With these advances comes the need to resolve overlapping policy and regulatory issues. We provide recommendations to resolve issues with research based on our strength in technical understanding complemented by our analytic skills.
Investigating dominance in the broadband market
We reviewed the extent to which broadcasters hold Significant Market Power (SMP) in an Asian country and as such would qualify for ex ante regulation. This included examining the economic case as to whether a particular pay TV operator may qualify as a dominant vertically integrated service provider. The results of our study were presented to the regulator, as part of a regulatory submission.
Review of digital copyright
We analysed stakeholder submissions for an Asia-Pacific Government review of the effectiveness of digital copyright legislation and regulations aimed at deterring file sharing that infringes copyright. In particular we advised on the costs and efficiency of processes associated with functions performed under the Copyright Act.
Estimating a market-based price for broadcasting spectrum
We estimated the market value of spectrum suitable for television broadcasting purposes after a switchover from analogue to digital services for a Government Ministry. We provided estimated future market values to serve as a basis for renewal prices for existing national and regional licences. The resultant economic model, including our estimated licence renewal prices, was subsequently made available to stakeholders for review.
Content delivery via mobile technologies
We provided expert advice to the Australian Broadcasting Authority on the potential impact of new mobile telecommunications technologies on the delivery of traditional and new forms of audiovisual content in the Australian market. The objective of this research was to provide information to assist Government regulatory and policy bodies in policy development.