Assessing the consumer impact of re-assigning 3G spectrum

Network Strategies advises Hong Kong regulator

Auckland, New Zealand – February 18, 2014

Network Strategies identified that operator mitigation strategies more than made up for the loss in throughput experienced by any reduction in 3G spectrum due to the proposed re-assignment of the 1.9-2.2GHz band in Hong Kong.

OFCA sought an expert independent quantitative assessment of the effect on Hong Kong consumers and service quality of its proposed hybrid approach to spectrum re-assignment. This encompassed offering the right of first refusal to the four incumbent 3G Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) for two-thirds of the existing spectrum and the re-auction of the remaining one-third spectrum.

We developed a bottom-up model to assess the re-assignment impact under different possible scenarios. Since our analysis spanned the years 2013 to 2018, we forecast demand requirements and considered technology developments, including evolution of 3G and 4G technologies, multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) technology, and the use of femtocells. Other supply considerations included spectrum held and deployed by each MNO for provision of mobile services, the Spectrum Release Plan, and the availability of additional spectrum for provision of 3G and 4G mobile services via refarming spectrum in other frequency bands.

About Network Strategies

Network Strategies works at the forefront of the telecommunications revolution, delivering advice and insight to operators, manufacturers and governments. From offices in Auckland, London, Melbourne and Wellington, Network Strategies staff provide strategic consultancy to clients throughout the Asia-Pacific region, Europe and North America, offering a complete global outlook on key issues affecting all players in the telecoms sector.

Media contacts

New Zealand: 
Suella Hansen 
Tel: +64 9 522 1702 

Noelle Jones 
Tel: +61 3 9830 0152 