Spectrum auction database
Network Strategies’ spectrum auction database provides accurate and detailed information about concluded auctions of mobile and fixed wireless spectrum from all around the world. It is a powerful tool to assist in benchmarking and making professional judgements relating to spectrum auctions and valuation.
The database contains information on over 20,000 licences from more than 330 auctions held in 78 countries, covering frequency bands between 400MHz to 28GHz. Data is available in easy to understand Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and is updated on a continuous basis.
The information for each of the auction processes includes:
- frequency, bandwidth and configuration of the lots auctioned
- number of participating bidders and name of winning bidders
- reserve and paid price (per lot and per MHz)
- duration of licences
- terms for band usage (eg technology flexible or not, national or regional).
The database also provides information about upcoming auctions, including frequency to be auctioned and planned auction date, and name of controlling regulatory agency.
The information contained in the database is useful for spectrum managers, bidders in auctions or investment analysts who need reliable information to undertake analysis such as:
- establishing price benchmarks for auctions and licence renewal
- establishing licence terms
- locating unassigned spectrum
- providing snapshots of a specific market of a country/region
- analysing operators' spectrum holdings
- identifying global/regional trends in spectrum band assignments.
Network Strategies has an established track-record in spectrum valuation and benchmarking assignments for a range of telecommunications organisations and corporations, and the database has been instrumental for the successful completion of these projects.
Contact us for more information.