Market analysis
We have a wealth of expertise in the development of innovative methodologies for analysing market data, at both the macroeconomic and microeconomic level, encompassing demand forecasting, pricing analysis, consumer spending and cost-benefit analysis.
- Benchmarking pricing and performance
- Demand forecasting
- Commercial pricing strategies
- ICT indicators for regulators & policymakers
Market modelling for regional fibre
We developed a market model of the likely penetration and uptake profile by residential and business customers of a new regional fibre deployment. Our model encompassed a set of different competitive scenarios, and we identified key marketing strategies to secure the forecast uptake profile.
ICT market survey
We conducted a regional survey in order to assess service pricing, quality and availability, and the level of competition and ICT readiness in Pacific island national markets.
Affordability analysis
For a Pacific Islands operator’s tariff review, we compared the price and affordability of retail telecommunications services across selected countries in the region.
Demand forecasting for mobile satellite services
We creating a judgmental forecasting framework to develop demand forecasts for mobile satellite services across a range of disparate markets in the Asia-Pacific region.
ICT indicators
On behalf of a telecoms regulator, we developed a telecoms indicator database to capture operator, national and regional market intelligence data.